I’m figuring this out as I go. You see, I’m going to be a writer.
No, nope. I’m starting over already. I am a writer. Yes, I’ve decided that and I don’t need anything or anyone to tell me it’s true. Holy shit, that just felt good. There it is… I am a writer.
So, here I am starting this blog. Finally. And it’s my place to share the driving force behind my work and my jewelry. You might ask what that driving force, my purpose*, is. I wondered, too. For a long time.
It’s all about finding your place, right? The stuff that speaks to your soul. The goods that make your heart sing.
I cannot figure that shit out. For me, I mean, there are too many things. I’m the worst at making decisions especially when one choice is required. I enjoy doing an array of creative activities and love all kinds of styles and want to share loads of thoughts. And I have a difficult time choosing a favorite anything. So how the hell was I supposed to choose one kind of look for the jewelry I create and narrow down my main branded message?!
Well, after years of making jewelry of all kinds, I did find the style that I most enjoy designing that also offers lots of artsy creativity and expression.
And the focus, purpose*, reason that drives me and my brand? I decided that, too. Last week, it became official: Let That Shit Go.
How’s that for no messing around official? Right?! Now, I know it sounds kinda simplified and maybe a bit crude but it truly encompasses many ideas. I laid it all out. I took notes. I drew words with colorful markers. Let That Shit Go is something I can get behind for a few reasons:
- I’m learning to do it and it’s difficult and freeing and necessary
- we can share ideas as we go along all while figuring it out
- it is crucial for getting where we want to get
- holy crap, my mind is racing and every reason why “let that shit go” is important is its own blog post
- MOSTLY and TRULY, I want to help others help themselves to let shit go; whatever shit they are holding on to, for them to clear it out, deal with it, drop it, move through it, away from it, and leave it behind, give no energy to it, and choose what matters to them
It feels really good to let shit go. It’s difficult, though. It can be so damn deep-rooted within us. Some of it makes us so damn infuriated, some of it hurts, disappoints, maddens, saddens or punishes too much to just let it go. A bunch of it allows us to stay stagnant, make excuses, not grow, avoid expanding who we are, and stop exploring things we’d love to discover. It limits us. A bit of it defines us and letting it go requires looking inward to who we truly are in order to redefine ourselves.
Letting shit go is true & loving work, my friend. Self truth & self love that makes us more amazing in this world for ourselves and others. Some shit has a tight grip on us and I believe that the more we break free of it, the more joy we feel and the more free we are to live in a way that is true to our own soul’s calling. I mean, hell, the more shit you get rid of the better you can hear your soul. The more you hear it, the more you’ll want to. Believe me, I’m just beginning to intentionally listen and the synchronicity that happens in life is pretty cool.
Are you up for a journey of wonderful discovery and learning as we go? Let’s free ourselves from the shit that holds us back and explore this beautiful life! I’m excited to let my free spirit take the reins and lead my gypsy soul in the direction of a lovely town called Let That Shit Go. Many Wildhearts call it home. Wanna venture with us?? I’d love to have you along for the ride!
*Insider’s note: I’m looking for a better word than “purpose” here. I hate the word purpose for some reason. Maybe because it makes things sound like there is one end-all-be-all reason and I just can’t grasp that concept. The ONE, I mean. Rather than purpose, I think in terms of the big idea, the overall concept, the reason for the work, the exciting thoughts that push us into action. In other words, purpose is too singular as if it’s gonna stand alone at the front of the room and take charge. It’s just so not going to happen that way. I might be off with my definition of purpose, though it is my definition and that’s what it does in my head. I like less stringent, more flow, merging ideas, contributions that grow, expansion that keeps going down a path. Hey, direction. Yes, maybe that’s it, Direction. Everything moving in the same direction down a path toward the town of Let That Shit Go.
Oh wow does this speak to me!
I’m jumping on this wildheart ride with you !! Relocating to Let That Shit Go – (LTSG). I’m ALL IN!
Great post and thoughtful introspection on the word purpose. It truly needs clarification for everyone, but ‘direction’ is a perfect synonym for now.
Thank you, Justine! I’m so glad that this post resonated with you. I think we’re onto something great here… hells yes, let’s make this the ride of a lifetime and have fun in the land of LTSG!
I don’t know why the word purpose sits like that with me. Just one of those things, I guess. It’s like a purpose can be reached and passed by or finished, in turn, ending the project. (Though, of course, that’s great for some projects!! Goal accomplished. That’s just not the wildheart venture we’re talking about.) But a direction can keep going. Oh, there’s bound to be twists and turns — and stops to site see, replenish, rest or whoop it up — yet there’s still that existing direction. Though once relocated in LTSG town, how do we keep moving and keep our direction flowing?… Oooh, we can always build new additions and redecorate! Haha! There’s always direction available for something! That’s just the wildheart style, ever growing and expanding. Ever creating, expressing and experiencing something new.
Hi, Y’all,
Can you tell I just came back from visiting the south? I would love to make a trip to LTSG town with y’all. I don’t think age matters, we all have some shit to get rid of. Hang on to your hats and let’s ride Wildhearts!
Yeeha!!! 😀
Let That Shit Go Town is where I learned to BE! When I don’t know what to do with the ANGST I simply Be & when it’s time to do I simply do what’s in front of me. Honesty with me allows space to be honest with youz! Forgive but only when you are ready. World Be Free. Miles
Steve, thank you for sharing your perspective! It’s fantastic. Things really can be that straight-forward and more clear when we let them. It can be difficult for some of us to do in some situations like you say with the angst. Though simplifying things down to the here and now and to their core is so worth it! Definitely something to practice and make a habit — SIMPLY be, sit with it, give recognition and be okay. And SIMPLY do when it’s time to do. I love that! It’s not necessarily easy for us all in every situation but we certainly can choose to keep it simple for ourselves if we allow that. That and just breathe. 🙂 Ooooh, and I’m with you on honesty and forgiveness. For me, it’s a matter of forgive so I can move forward — to let that shit go! — and the “forget” part doesn’t always go with that process. I let it go so there are no more emotions tied in or garbage to carry yet remember it so I grow & learn!
Love this ❤️❤️ You know my favorite piece of your jewelry. I have to look at my wrist often. Let that shit go. You go girl. Love your thoughts and enthusiasm!!
Thank you, doll!! I appreciate that! I’m going to add that cuff bracelet in copper to my next collection. There are a few sayings up my sleeve to add. Though, you’ve probably seen me wear them in the past, a couple will be new to my website. I’m excited for the new collection and to get this blog rolling along as well. XOXO