Oftentimes, I question whether or not to use emojis. I mean, I like a well-placed, fun, meaningful or clever emoji but what do others think?
I imagine that most people have an opinion of them – using them, not using them, the silliness or fun of them, the misuse or unprofessional use of them, just a general like or dislike of them. Who the hell knows. But some sort of opinion nonetheless. Or, maybe there are people who don’t give a shit either way. It’s all good. All of it. Cool with me! Yet, I question using them at times because I want to give the “right” impression.
Why am I concerned with the RIGHT impression over the REAL impression?? Okay, there are definitely times when using an emoji isn’t appropriate or perhaps a misunderstanding really wouldn’t be good. That still doesn’t change the question: what belief do I have that makes me judge my own way of expressing and connecting with others? And why do I care if someone else judges me on it? That’s their thing, not mine. Why would I want to carry around their thing? I have enough of my own.
This isn’t really just about emojis. You know that. It’s just a little about emojis. It IS really about me being me. And you being you. And us coming together and appreciating how we are alike and how we are different. It’s about expression and connection.
Yes. That’s it. It’s about expression & connection.
Which brings me back to the big question — why be so concerned with the right impression over the real impression when I want to put my real me forward? I want to get more and more comfortable with expression of my true self.
Why, then, overly question myself about using emojis? Okay, yep, my true self is not hinging on the use or absence of an emoji. Uh, who cares then? Well, it got my attention because the emoji gives me pause while communicating. It just got me thinking.
While connecting with someone, if I think it’s appropriate and fitting and expressive or just plain fun in a way that only an emoji can offer, then why not use ’em already? It’s being true to me AND to the person I’m responding or writing to. Seems easy peasy to me. It’s my personal style. Why would I pause on that?
So, it’s official then. I use emojis. I am an emoji user.
But how about my business style? To truly grasp this, you should know that I went to college in a time when the only appropriate way to send a resume was laser printed on good linen paper preferably in an envelope that doesn’t require folding it. The first time I sent a fax was in my early 20s. Is that even a thing anymore?? AND I worked in the corporate world. Business attire and casual dress on Fridays. Business casual.
But now, these days, I create jewelry, write newsletter emails and posts like this, learn new ways – like video & YouTube – to market my creative business, and love to surround myself with crystals while pulling angel cards. Okay, you get the picture, things are different now.
Things are WAY different for all businesses. The internet has changed a ton of both expectations and acceptable ways for how to do business.
So back to emojis then. When do I and when do I not use emojis? When do you and when do you not use emojis?
I do use them in business. In essence, my brand is my personality. I’m lucky and thankful that I get to make it as much mine in as many ways that fit. I chose to make my brand fit me. Not only does that allow me to give my true self to my business and to you, it also is a hell of a lot easier and tons more fun that way, too!!
So, I’m going to stop questioning myself quite as much about using emojis. Especially the heart ones. You know, lately I’m just lovin’ on life. Lovin’ people. Lovin’ opportunities. Lovin’ learning 📓✏and nature 🌳 and the moon 🌙 and the bench outside my living room window 🏡 and the sun 🌞 and the rain ☔ . Just appreciating and loving it all. And that feels GOOD to me. Super duper really good. 💖💛💝
Last summer, I was sitting next to my (then) boyfriend and messaging with someone. Funny enough, her name is Kimberly as well. I really enjoy following her on Instagram and all she shares really speaks to me. Anyway, she wrote to me about a bracelet and we exchanged a few messages. The emojis in them couldn’t be missed and as my boyfriend looked over, I said something about it being business related and basically let him know why I wanted to respond right away rather than wait. (Now, it was fine. It’s not like we were in the middle of a romantic dinner. 😉 We were always respectful about our phones. Still, it was nice to share that.) He said, “that’s a lot of hearts for business.” His comment was good-natured and true. 🥰 It was a lot of hearts for business communication. I’m so thankful for it!
See, that’s the thing. What may start as a business inquiry turns into so much more. It doesn’t even have to start for a business reason; the expression IS the reason in and of itself. I see the use of emojis, curse words, and bold personality everywhere. It’s all over the place with other small businesses that I follow and owners who I share both business and personal communication with. I love it and am happy for it and wouldn’t want it any other way!
Much of it truly goes against what I learned about business back in the day. I went to college in the late 80s and early 90s. Earned a degree in Organizational Communication and Public Relations. It covered all the communication for internal and external biz both written and spoken. Very by the rule, proper, corporate. I went back to school in my early 30s for Graphics Technology which, basically, is visual communication. One could say that I have all the communications covered. 📝💼📋🎤📢 💬 💻🎨 I am very thankful and, to this day, I use a ton of what I learned. Plus a bonus…
Now, I get to use emojis and curse words.
I’m going to catch myself when I question how or what to communicate. Okay, no, I might question what to say and how to express it in the best way. Of course, that’s necessary. So, let me rephrase that. I’m going to catch myself when I question if I “really should” communicate in what feels like the most authentic and best way to express myself and the information. If adding a smiley face or unicorn 🦄 or curse word feels like the best way to express what I want to say, or if a heart or flower 🌺 or puppy dog emoji says more than the words can alone, then I’m just gonna damn well use ’em.
Let’s be real. I’m not going to throw in a winky face or prayer hands, not even a food emoji or curse word out of frustration, to the late DoorDash delivery person. I wouldn’t think to do that. No big deal anyway. I’m not going to use the word fuck when I message my mom. Um, well, I might. If I’m telling her about a situation that calls for it then maybe. But not to Dad. For sure. And in any communication with anyone, I would never use any emoji, curse word or other expression in a disrespectful way. Not my style. Ever.
When the urge does hit, when I’m writing to anyone who I really want to express myself to and connect with, then you better bet I’ll go for it. And if I’m sharing something in my business social media or creating cuff bracelets, I’ll put it all out there. I mean, let’s be honest, you’re not here because I’m proper. I love that about you! And thank you for being here!!! 💖✨🎈🎀⛳🙌🤸♂️💃🥞💜🌮🧁☕💛🍺🍷💗
Expression and connection.
Don’t hold back with those.
I’m going to do my best to not hold back. To go for it. With love & respect & joy.
What are YOUR thoughts? How do you express yourself? Put it all out there? Maybe hold back a little? Does it depend perhaps on the situation or people involved? Makes total sense! Emojis?? Yay, nay or mayhap?
I like emojis. They are a fast and easy way to express feelings. Some times when you are in a hurry an emoji is a nice way to let someone know you are thinking of them or to acknowledge them.
So true! In the past, I had a boyfriend who would send me a flower emoji every now and then. Often, it was while he was at work and wanted me to know that he was thinking of me. Very kind and thoughtful! He just wanted to make me smile and it always worked.